Knowing how to balance physical performance and mental wellbeing

Chris Waller (Hall of Fame Thoroughbred trainer in Australia & New Zealand) explains that “Training thoroughbred horses is not just about their physical wellbeing; their mental wellbeing is also important and should be given equal weight in any comprehensive training regime.”. Whilst aiming to obtain the best performances out of our horses, this course has been designed to help the students in understanding the basics of equine cognition (how they learn and think...), and some of the common issues that can be encountered during training, and in their management routines. You might find it especially useful if you are working with horses that are beginning their second careers and some younger horses, or if you are focusing on understanding horses to better their wellbeing.

Requirements & Key factors

  • Requirements

    No pre-reading is necessary for this course. Access to the Internet is required to be able to access the course materials and tests.

  • Quality Teaching

    This course has been created by a Master's level author in Equine Training and Behavior. Additionally, to certify this course's quality, it is also being assessed by the CPD Standards Office.

  • Assessment

    There are 4 tests in total in this course (all of equal contribution towards the final mark). All of the tests take about 60 to 90 minutes to complete. A final mark of 60% is required to complete the test portion of this course.

  • Access

    Access to the course material is unlimited in time - this course will remain accessible in your Student Dashboard; as well as the related course library with a regularly updated resource base. Your personal tutor will be available throughout the completion of this course for additional support.

  • After the course

    As this course will be available with a CPD certificate, this will have value at an international level on your CV. If you work in an industry that requires you to undertake a certain amount of CPD hours per year (such as veterinarian...) - this course will also qualify for this.

  • Course Difficulty

    This course is recommended for anyone over the age of 16 years old - any complex theory is broken down into small steps to become accessible. Prior qualifications or professional experience in equine behavior or training is not necessary - prior knowledge in general animal training may render the content more approachable for you.

Internationally recognized

Having been approved by the Standard's Office this course will be of valuable for your own personal and professional development, and it is recognizable on a world-wide basis.

  • CPD Standard's office approved!

  • Created by certified MSc level tutors

Course curriculum

    1. Course Agenda

    2. Module's Aims and Objectives

    3. Distinguishing trained versus learned behaviors

    4. Social Learning

    5. Learning: The cerebral process

    6. Recognizing stress

    7. Memory

    8. Foundation Training and Summary

    9. Module 1 Test - Part 1

    10. Module 1 Test - Part 2

    1. Module's Aims and Objectives

    2. Introduction to Training Methods

    3. Operant Conditioning

    4. Classic Conditioning

    5. Counter conditioning

    6. Habituation

    7. Systematic desensitization

    8. Overshadowing

    9. Ratios of reinforcement & Intra-sessions breaks

    10. Shaping

    11. Mimicry and Summary

    12. Module 2 Test - Part 1

    13. Module 2 Test - Part 2

    1. Module's Aims and Objectives

    2. Fear & trailer loading

    3. Confusion

    4. Aversiveness

    5. Handler familiarity, and their emotional state

    6. More on human factors

    7. Equine emotions

    8. Equine age

    9. Training schedules

    10. Training plans and Summary

    11. Training plan 1

    12. Training plan 2

    13. Training plan 3

    14. Training Scale (FEI)

    15. Module 3 Test - Part 1

    16. Module 3 Test - Part 2

    1. Module's Aims and Objectives

    2. Learned helplessness

    3. Conflict Behaviors

    4. What are stereotypies & Cribbing

    5. Motor stereotypies

    6. Module Conclusion

    7. Module 4 Test - Part 1

    8. Module 4 Test - Part 2

    1. Download your own training template below

    1. Exclusive preview of an upcoming course

About this course

  • £285.00
  • 52 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Educational Aims and Objectives

Overall aims:

  • To provide you with engaging and challenging content,  based on evidence-based current research within the equestrian training and behavior industry, 
  • Develop your knowledge of equine behaviors and their meaning,
  • Inform you of the tools and methods behind non-clinical and clinical-based research in the equine industry,
  • To broaden your knowledge of theoretical knowledge on equine training, and how to apply this in your daily practices,
  • If you are new to equine research, this course will allow you to develop a strong base on the current state of research on equine learning theory, and the cognitive factors implicated in this,
  • Study of Equitation Science,
  • Enhance your employability through the addition of transferable research skills, and advanced scientific knowledge in training, management systems and application,
  • Finally one of the aims of this course, which is common to most of our courses - we aim to give you an advanced level of learning at a minimum price and with maximum flexibility. 

The full agenda and objectives of this course are available on request - please sent us a request for further information at [email protected]

Some of the topics covered

Full agenda is available on request

What else can you expect from this course?

As you are able to see in the course curriculum, the topics that are covered have been broken down into very specific steps, that are themselves much more accessible. 

Additional documents, such as the FEI training scale, are mentioned and made available to the enrolled students.

  • Learn about the basic clinical physiology of the equine (HR, temperature, pulse, and capillary refill time) and any behavioral and physiological signs of pain (hoof and limb, dental, back pain…),
  • Understand the principles that might impact your basic physiological signs,
  • External factors impacting the health and well-being of your equine,
  • Evidence-based ways to improve the well-being of your equine via your current management system,
  • Access to friendly and knowledgeable tutors – here to help you throughout the course, and have a further chat about any challenges you encounter, or have a dedicated chat with your equine,
  • Access to valuable suggested reading (and full access to free articles as often as possible),
  • Practical tips to better your experience with horses,
  • The cerebral learning process,
  • Introduction to the OneWelfare principles. This topic was introduced in 2016 at the 4th OIE Global Conference on Animal Welfare (Mexico). This principle focuses on how much equine and humans are connected - our course here shows the evidence previously obtained regarding the above, from this practical pointers are highlighted to be considered in your practice,
  • Introduction and in-depth study of equine cognition, notably in relation to in-hand and ridden training,
  • Introduction to the value of social learning,
  • Study of elements that can impact digestive well-being and suggestions on how to prevent or resolve these challenges, 
  • Following the above, as well as the study of behavioral principles, you will be able to investigate any changes in your horse's behavior, and, if necessary note to a veterinarian any source of worries and what you have noticed alongside this,
  • Understand where the physiological needs of the equine are rooted,
  • Study of all-around equine husbandry needs (five freedoms principle),
  • Study the value of equine communication, and how to recognize the less apparent signs of pain and discomfort,
  • Study of all ethical training methods that can be utilised within training,
  • Examples of how to apply the above and their efficiency in multiple scenarios,
  • The end-of-module tests all include part of theoretical knowledge, as well as practical questions - therefore ensuring that you can put your knowledge into action. Each test will be reviewed and additional feedback will be given to each student; if further discussion is required this can also be arranged.

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